Blog #35
It's been a while, sorry everything's been so calm and free of catastrophes that time just slipped by!!
Seriously, though; The 'Rona continues to ravage the world, Putin has thrown his toys out of the pram and our country is being run by self serving morons, too busy lining their own pockets to notice that the world is burning down around them. But, on the plus side, we have music! Aaaah, music. A gentle song to calm the heart of a savage beast. Well, we don't have anything that will soothe your heart for you this time, but we've got some crackers, to get the heart pumping and the toe tapping. That's way better, right?
Blog #33
It’s been a busy couple of months, since we last spoke! Hope you’re all doing well. At least as well as Paradise 9! Their new album 'Science Fiction Reality' (that we mentioned in our last blog) has dropped and it's doing REALLY well. Lots of great radio plays and some great coverage in the press! But why would you take our word for it? Why not check out some of the reviews here?

Even punks bloggers got in on the praise with a 4 stars review on the Punk Site.
See? Told you it was doing well! And it doesn’t end there, we’ve got some more reviews coming out: look for a piece in an upcoming issue of Shindig! You don’t want to miss it.
Blog #32
Spring has sprung. A new season is here, some life has returned to the world. Lockdown is beginning to ease, and there’s a small chance that life may just return to something that resembles normality by June.
So, naturally, we’ve decided it’s time to try something a bit new! Spring is the time for fresh starts so that’s our plan.